RC GLOBAL offers private clint group services to affluent HNI investors and actively assists them in managing their portfolio.
PCG can seek guidance on specific stocks in their portfolio and can get proactive advice for timely exit and fresh investments.
Here we also design customized products and services for our clients based on their risk profile, returns need and time horizon.
Our experienced research team, in-depth analysis and customized value added products and services give us an immense advantage in assisting you to generate wealth on a longer and consistent basis.
Minimum Portfolio size of Rs.10LAKH. for residents and Rs.25LKH for NRIs is the eligibility for PCG.
Portfolios are customized after a due discussion with clients and our research team.
Deployment of funds can be among various investing avenues available with us including PMS, , advisory
Meetings and one to one discussion with our fund managers, chief investment officer and Research director.
Special Technical and Derivative strategies.