yes mareket behaved in same way
as we have pointed out in our last astro report.
last 2 week bulls enjoying-it has meen metioned that after 12 march bear cycle will end and up move on card..check last post
now 31-31 march mercury is back with sun..inner dip on card
buy on decline advisible
NIFTY_F1* RC Wave* NEXT WEEK stoplos:3,106 next week_Buy above :3,148.37
next week up target>3,218>>3,330>>
NIFTY_F1* RC Wave* NEXT WEEK stoplos :3,148 next week_Short bellow :3,105.63
next week lower target >3,036>>2,924>>
S&P_500* RC Wave* NEXT WEEK stoplos:808 next week_Buy above :816.30
next week up target>829>>851>>
S&P_500* RC Wave* NEXT WEEK stoplos :816 next week_Short bellow :808.20
next week lower target >795>>774>>