Monday, August 24, 2009


(24/08/2009 9:56:39 AM): btst call bank of india targt achvidedddddddd 312....Rc Trader (21/08/2009 3:23:24 PM): bank of india btst... for next day buy bankof india above 305..5 sl 304 target 312
(24/08/2009 10:12:48 AM): buy bajajhind @177 target 180>182 sl 175
(24/08/2009 10:59:51 AM): buy ntpc above 205 sl 208>210
(24/08/2009 11:06:39 AM): bajahind moving uppppppp 178..5 from 177..........
(24/08/2009 11:14:50 AM): buy educom above 3904 sl 3885 target 3950
(24/08/2009 11:17:44 AM): ntpcl tooo rockes........206
(24/08/2009 11:27:08 AM): bajhindng going to ahvived first taget......179.3 current pric............Rc Trader (24/08/2009 10:12:48 AM): buy bajajhind @177 target 180>182 sl 175
(24/08/2009 11:38:28 AM): buy reliace captial 806 ..postinal target 860
(24/08/2009 11:42:14 AM): hold bank of inda for .positnal target 320
(24/08/2009 11:53:01 AM): sell reliace 1920 put 12 zero....stoplss 1900 spot.
(24/08/2009 12:15:23 PM): ntpc continous upward slope chart...........from buing point
(24/08/2009 12:17:34 PM): buy back bajahind at 176.5..what u sold...and maintain same stopllss what has given
(24/08/2009 12:21:07 PM): buy fincal telch above 1475 cmp 1452
(24/08/2009 12:39:55 PM): ntpck book paritla profit onintrday basis now..
(24/08/2009 12:46:53 PM): buy riil above 951 sl 970
(24/08/2009 12:58:28 PM): nifty taget of day is 4660 and postinal 4700 level
(24/08/2009 1:05:56 PM): bajahind agian 178 ....crosing 178 further upside..Rc Trader (24/08/2009 12:17:20 PM): buy back bajahind at 176.5..what u sold...and maintain same stopllss what has given
(24/08/2009 1:19:22 PM): our nifty-future intrday range alosmst going on complete.4655 high..Rc Trader (24/08/2009 12:58:22 PM): nifty taget of day is 4660 and postinal 4700 level
(24/08/2009 1:24:14 PM): exit riil at same price..
(24/08/2009 2:32:04 PM): rill sudend jumpback 960 from 950...
(24/08/2009 2:33:45 PM): fintaltech sl triger agin re-etry aavoe same
(24/08/2009 3:11:28 PM): btst of india at new day higg after achveng target 312...Rc Trader (24/08/2009 11:42:08 AM): hold bank of inda for .positnal target 320
(24/08/2009 3:13:35 PM): reliace 6rs from 12 rs.................Rc Trader (24/08/2009 11:52:54 AM): sell reliace 1920 put 12 zero....stoplss 1900 spot.
(24/08/2009 3:26:03 PM): btst do..fintintial tech.(today not moved)..curnet price 1445 taget 1460 to 1475openig price aournd expected